My Grandma passed away mid of this year... she was 97, solid as a rock. God took her away quickly, her pain was short lived.
Her daughter-in-law on the other hand had been plagued with illness for such a long time. Every ailment you could think of, she has it. She could not even walk without help ... and lately she needed 2 helpers to lift her almost lifeless body around. Carrying her weight was exhausting for my cousin and her maid.
My aunt worries about my cousin who is single... who is going to look after her (what an irony) , who is going to be there for her. My cousin it seems had no luck with men and through her adult life, she somehow took on the burden alone to care for her then ailing dad, grandma and now mum. She had no social life. she found a job that allows her to stay home most of the time to be with the elderly. She could not even go to the supermarket without them wondering what time she will get home.
What struck me and made my heart hurt was when my cousin said ... "when my mum dies, my mission in life would be over". She cared for the 3 elderly and one by one they left her. All 3 loved her an awful lot. I felt so sorry for her when she uttered those words. She had siblings, but I just realized how alone she was!
I have a brother, but his thoughtlessness made me see red. He had never bothered to visit my parents, nor check up on them. I thought I was alone! There are so many others out there, who are burdened, elderly whose children does not care a hoot if they lived or died.... like my mum said, " Don't cry at my funeral".
Now back to my aunt. She was tested 2 days ago on a blockage in her colon. Now they have been told she might have to remove her colon and uterus. How long can that weak body sustain such abuse? Leave the problem and she might suffer from internal bleeding ... take it out it will only weaken her body substantially.
Fear of death consumes her ... her fear of leaving her beloved daughter cuts like a knife into her sad heart.
What do we say to her that could appease her? Where is God for her?
"What is the unity of the mystic? That he be as a lifeless body
in front of God ... in a state of annihilation from his self and
from people's expectations ..., devoid of sense-perception and
bodily movement, so that Truth may fulfil what It had willed
for him, namely: that his end will return to his beginning, and
that he be as he was before he was... Unity means to come out
of the confinement of temporality into the spaciousness and the
expanses of timelessness."
expanses of timelessness."