9 June 2011
I give thanks to my Lord Our GOD. Getting into high school where Sage had been allowed to flourish and do well in his Exams. I have watched him grow from strength to strength. No longer the timid little boy fearful of bullies but socializing well in school. No words to describe how happy I am for him.
I pray for our Lord's continued protection and Love for Sage, mum and dad.
8 June 2011
My auntie has recovered well. Praise the Lord. Looking all plumbed up and radiant and more mobile than before. She is home and doing well... but I guess a little bored. Never short of attention when she spent months at the hospital and nursing home, but now there's just the 3 of them at home.
How much TV can one watch? I pray that our Lord would inspire her to pick up perhaps a simple hobby to pass away the time.
30 October 2010
I give thanks to my Lord Our GOD. Getting into high school where Sage had been allowed to flourish and do well in his Exams. I have watched him grow from strength to strength. No longer the timid little boy fearful of bullies but socializing well in school. No words to describe how happy I am for him.
I pray for our Lord's continued protection and Love for Sage, mum and dad.
8 June 2011
My auntie has recovered well. Praise the Lord. Looking all plumbed up and radiant and more mobile than before. She is home and doing well... but I guess a little bored. Never short of attention when she spent months at the hospital and nursing home, but now there's just the 3 of them at home.
How much TV can one watch? I pray that our Lord would inspire her to pick up perhaps a simple hobby to pass away the time.
30 October 2010
I pray today for my auntie who had been suffering from Cancer for the past 6 years, coupled with rheumatism, diabetes, now colon blockage. Your suffering never ceases to end. Her marriage was hard on her. Her husband was constantly drunk and would beat her. When he died, many thought it was a break for her to lead a more fruitful life, but instead she was plagued with so much pain... it is so unfair.
I pray that our Lord can be with her to keep her safe and brave.
18 October 2010
I thank our Lord for his kindness to bring friends into my life and especially
play friends for Sage.
At least he will not alone with people he could always turn to
if ever I am not around.
5 October 2010
Sage is having his first English Paper exam tomorrow.
I pray for calm, confidence and a darn good memory
of all that he had learnt through the years.
Thank you Lord for your Love, Mercy and Guidance through these past 12 years.
I thank Mother Mary for her intercessions and devotions..
To all the angels and the saints, bless you all.